Zimní semestr 2015/2016



Three concepts or one? Students‘ understanding of basic limit concepts
Adrian Simpson (University of Durham, United Kingdom)

In many mathematics curricula, the notion of limit is introduced three times: the limit of a sequence, the limit of a function at a point and the limit of a function at infinity. Despite the use of very similar symbols, few connections between these notions are made explicitly and few papers in the large literature on student understanding of limit connect these types of limit. This talk examines the nature of connections made by students exposed to this fragmented curriculum. The study adopted a phenomenographic approach and used card sorting and comparison tasks to expose students to symbols representing these different types of limit. The findings suggest that, while some students treat limit cases as separate, some can draw connections, but often do so in ways which are at odds with the formal mathematics. In particular, while there are occasional, implicit uses of neighbourhood notions, no student in the study appeared to possess a unifying organisational framework for all three basic uses of limit.


Using eyetracking as a research method in didactics of mathematics – an excerpt from research
Miroslawa Sajka (Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland)

The main purpose of this presentation is to show the diagnostic possibilities of the eyetracking method used in research in mathematics education. Emphasis is put on showing the possibilities of this method, which give new insights and are not provided by traditional testing methods.

The empirical research was carried out at the Pedagogical University of Cracow. The research sample was very diversified including junior high school students with different ability in mathematics (gifted, average and underperforming; disabled students as well), high school students, university students in mathematics and computer science, pre-service mathematics teachers as well as academics.

Chosen excerpts from the research are presented and the diagnostic possibilities of the method are discussed.


The IMST project: reflections on a nation-wide initiative fostering educational innovations
Konrad Krainer (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Rakousko)

The IMST project started in 1998 as a reaction to Austria’s disappointing TIMSS 1995 results at the upper secondary level. IMST originally aimed at fostering mathematics and science education. It was adopted several times and is still running. One of the project’s basic interventions is to promote teachers’ investigation into their own work, putting an emphasis on reflection and networking. The paper sketches the genesis of the project, including the initial research project and its continuous development. Furthermore, the theoretical framework, the goals and the intervention strategy are outlined as well as the project’s approach to evaluation and research. As an outcome of IMST, a national support system was launched. The paper compares the vision of this support system and its implementation. The paper finishes with some reflections on Austrian students’ achievement in TIMSS and other studies over the years and on challenges and future plans.


Učebnice, které vedou žáky k objevování
Jana Hanušová, Pavel Šalom

Na semináři představíme nové učebnice matematiky pro 2. stupeň a víceletá gymnázia. Autorem je Milan Hejný s kolektivem. Koncepce učebnic vychází ze základní myšlenky, že cílem matematického vzdělávání je rozvoj schopnosti myslet a že cesta k tomuto cíli vede přes řešení různých úloh o číslech, tvarech a situacích. Radost z dobře vyřešené úlohy je silnou motivací žáků k práci a k chuti poznávat. Učebnice žákům i učitelům nabízejí řadu úloh různé obtížnosti tak, aby žáci mohli dostávat přiměřené výzvy. V učebnicích nejsou předkládány hotové matematické poznatky. Žáci jsou k nim přivedeni prostřednictvím řešení úloh a vzájemnými diskuzemi. Na semináři zmíníme i zkušenosti z pilotáže, kterou vznikající učebnice procházejí.


Obsah a objem v antice – vybrané zajímavosti
Zdeněk Halas (MFF UK v Praze)

V rámci semináře se zaměříme na tři zajímavé problémy, které souvisejí s problematikou obsahu a objemu: – určení objemu jehlanu ve XII. knize Eukleidových Základů, – různé interpretace tzv. „řecké geometrické algebry“ a souvislost se současnými názvy kuželoseček a – určování objemů různých těles Archimédovou metodou s využitím zákona rovnováhy na páce..


Rôzne podoby geometrie okolo nás a ich implementácia do vyučovacieho procesu
Lucia Rumanová (FPV UKF v Nitre, Slovensko)

v prednáške sa zameriame na vyučovanie geometrie na Slovensku z pohľadu motivácií, aplikácií, ale aj tvorivosti. Medzi základné ciele vo vyučovaní matematiky patrí aj podpora matematických zručností, pri ktorých sa uplatňujú matematické princípy v každodennom živote. Uvedieme konkrétne ukážky rôznych didaktických aktivít a úloh súvisiacich s uvedenou problematikou, ktoré boli realizované so žiakmi stredných škôl.

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